by Janelle Hoyland |May 30, 2018
I have no strings to hold me down. I am free.
When there is only a couple of days left in the month, do you wait to start your goals? Well my client yesterday said no way, I am not waiting. Lets go! What does she know that you don’t. She is not putting anything else before her own happiness, desire to do so much more than she thought possible.
Ok sure, I hear you saying it – that’s her, that’s not me. I have too much on my plate. I have things scheduled. Gifts to buy. Then yet again you pass on the thing you know could change your life. You felt that pull. That feeling of OMG! I could do this but you let that “I don’t know what it will look like” feeling come up. Stay STUCK in your cycle of regrets and watching through the window of life. It is the creative free life full of opportunity while having more than enough support financially, spiritually, and emotionally. What is that? You want it. It looks like this – you say I want to take that trip and do it. I want to create that new charity and do it. Then you take time to give in to your desires. Desires like lunch with women who YOU actually are inspired by and eat the dessert first. Umm, life LIGHTS you up again for real.
So leader it’s time. YOU know you have waited long enough and tried everything. I am calling you out. Cut your strings now!